The walnut is a deciduous tree of the Juglandaceae family. At the end of summer, the harvest of fresh walnuts begins. The fruit has four main parts: the stone, skin, shell and green covering. It is for its core that the walnut is best known: the walnut kernels. At the beginning of autumn, the dried nuts free themselves from the husk which holds them to the tree. This nut is popular worldwide for its sensory attributes and its nutritional qualities. Walnut kernels can be consumed as is or in the form of vegetable oil obtained after cold pressing. Walnut kernels take first place among the nuts richest in omega-3 and antioxidants. These scores are excellent for lowering the concentration of bad cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) in the blood and increasing that of good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol). Walnuts also have an excellent omega-6/omega-3 ratio, an important point for reducing the incidence of cardiovascular risks. Although these benefits no longer need to be proven, their average consumption in France remains low: it is estimated at 500 g/year/inhabitant, which represents one Nut per week and per person. There is only one thing left for us to do: adopt the Nut-attitude. Latin name: Juglans regia L. Botanical family: Juglandaceae. Part used: Almond.

This article was updated on 18/08/2023

Recommended consumption

Due to the energy density of walnut kernels and their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, daily consumption recommendations are defined. As a classic treatment or for pleasure: a portion of walnut kernels is estimated at 15 g per day, which represents five to seven walnut kernels per day.

In what form ?

To make the most of their benefits, you can use them:

  • Whole
  • Ground, crushed
  • In pieces
At what time of the day ?

We advise you to use them during the following meal(s) to make the most of their benefits:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • In case
  • Dinner
What methods of use?

You can include them in the following preparations to make them easier to take:

  • Salad
  • Soup
  • Dessert
  • Flat
  • Mixed with other dried fruits
Precautions for use
  • Allergen: Tree nuts

Health nutrition benefits

15 g of walnut kernels contain a significant portion of Nutritional References for the Population (RNP) of the following nutrients: Fiber, Copper, Manganese. They also contain, to a lesser extent, proteins, Iron, of Magnesium, of Phosphorus, of Potassium, of Selenium, of Zinc, of the Vitamin B1 and some Vitamin B9.

As such, walnut kernels can complement your healthy and varied diet.


Walnut kernels are naturally low in simple sugar, rich in lipids and fiber. As a result, Nuts reduce the glycemic load of the meal, which moderates the rise in blood sugar levels after the meal. We also find polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and phytosterols. These give Walnuts a real hypolipidemic power. In addition, walnut kernels are rich in antioxidants (copper, manganese, selenium and zinc). They ensure that free radicals are neutralized, which limits the premature aging of cells and the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

Nervous system, well-being

Walnut kernels restore energy to the body. In terms of macronutrients, Walnuts are made up of more than 85% lipids, the macronutrient with the highest energy yield. In terms of micronutrients, the magnesium, iron and vitamin B9 present in walnuts are known to reduce fatigue. Others such as vitamin B1, zinc, phosphorus and copper participate in the metabolism of macronutrients: they are essential for the transformation of macronutrients into energy. Without forgetting that combined with magnesium, potassium and vitamin B9, they all contribute to the functioning of the nervous system and psychological functions.

As for intellectual performance, it is iron and zinc which maintain cognitive functions.

Immune system

Thanks to their micronutrients, walnut kernels influence the functioning of the immune system. This nut is composed of copper, iron, selenium, vitamin B9 and zinc. All participate in the activity of immune cells. As part of a varied and balanced diet, this phytonutrient provides walnut kernels with benefits for immunity.

Body, face and hair care

Walnut kernels offer a wide range of minerals and trace elements which maintain and enhance the appearance of nails, hair and skin. First of all, regarding nails and hair, copper influences their pigmentation, selenium and zinc strengthen them.

As for the skin, copper protects it from ultraviolet radiation. Accompanied by manganese, it supports the structure of the skin by intervening in the synthesis of connective tissue. Finally, thanks to its antioxidant activity and its involvement in DNA replication, zinc protects the skin from skin aging.

Bone system

Nuts are perfect remineralizers. They are vectors of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc which join the mineral part of the bone, ensuring its strength.

Nutritional properties

Main properties

  • Anti-oxidant (copper, manganese, selenium, zinc): Nuts neutralize free radicals thanks to the numerous anti-oxidants they contain. Their ORAC score is estimated at 13541 µmol TE per 100 g. An extremely high score, they are in the top 3 of the most antioxidant foods.

  • Anti-inflammatory (omega-3, vitamin B9): Walnuts are the nuts richest in omega-3. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory. In addition, they participate in the conversion of homocysteine, a pro-inflammatory amino acid.

  • Cardiovascular protector (omega-3, omega-6): Walnuts have an excellent omega-6/omega-3 ratio. In fact, this ratio is estimated to be less than 5. Walnuts rebalance the ratio and thus prevent the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Lipid-lowering (phytosterol, omega-3, fiber, omega-6): due to its excellent lipid profile, walnut kernels are hypocholesterolemic and hypotriglyceridemic. In addition, with the phytosterols and fibers that compose them, they will limit the absorption of cholesterol from foods.

  • Control blood sugar (fiber, lipid): walnut kernels have a low glycemic index, as they contain very little simple sugar. Also, they lower the glycemic load of the meal, reducing the impact of blood sugar after meals.

  • Antiplatelet (omega-3): Walnuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). The latter increases the level of HDL cholesterol (called good cholesterol) and promotes blood fluidity and vasodilation. In addition, Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, which reduces the risk of cholesterol oxidation. The whole thing contributes to good blood circulation.

Secondary properties

  • Immunomodulating (copper, iron, selenium, vitamin B9, zinc): walnut kernels influence the immune response in several aspects. First, they provide vitamin B9 which participates in the synthesis of immune cells. Then, we find iron and selenium which fight against pathogens. Finally, they prevent copper and zinc deficiency, because in their absence, we observe a drop in the concentration of immune cells, leading to less resistance.

  • Stimulating (copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B9, zinc, vitamin B1, lipid): walnut kernels are balls of energy and vitality. They participate in energy metabolism by providing lipids and micronutrients involved in energy synthesis. In addition, they participate in the production of red blood cells thanks to iron and vitamin B9. Red blood cells carry oxygen to cells, an essential element to meet cell needs.

  • Nervous rebalancing (copper, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B1): thanks to their nutritional profile, walnut kernels participate in the functioning of the nervous system by being involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters or transmission of nerve impulses.

  • Skin protector (copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc): walnut kernels are very rich in copper. Copper is a skin photoprotector. In addition, Walnuts are vectors of manganese, zinc and phosphorus, which promote the regeneration and healing of the skin.

  • Hair strengthener (copper, selenium, zinc): walnut kernels are excellent for strengthening hair. Furthermore, they influence hair pigmentation, due to their extreme richness in copper: a single handful of walnut kernels covers 1/3 of our daily copper needs.

  • Firming (copper): copper gives walnuts a skin firming property. The latter contributes to the synthesis of collagen.

  • Remineralizing (magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc): walnut kernels are vectors of minerals which constitute the mineral phase of the skeleton and teeth.

Nutritional values

Nutritional elements per 100g for 15g % of RDA* per 100 g % of RDA* for 15 g
Energy (Kcal) 709 106 35 5
Energy (Kj) 2930 440 35 5
Lipids (g) 67.3 10 96 14
Saturated fatty acids (g) 6.45 32 5
Monounsaturated fatty acids (g) 14.1 0.9
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g) 43.6 2.1
Carbohydrates (g) 6.88 6.5 3 0
Including sugars (g) 3 0.45 3 1
Including polyols (g)
Including starch (g) 0.35 0.05
Dietary fiber (g) 6.7 1
Protein (g) 15.7 2.35 31 5
Salt (g) 0.13 0.01 2 0
Vitamin A (µg) 20.7 3.1 3 0
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.3 0.04 27 4
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.05 0.007 4 1
Vitamin B3 (mg) 0.4 0.06 3 0
Vitamin B5 (mg) 0.67 0.1 11 2
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.19 0.02 14 2
Vitamin B9 (µg) 120 18 60 9
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0 0.012 3 0
Vitamin C (mg) 0.77 0.11 1 0
Vitamin D (µg) 0.25 0.03 5 1
Vitamin E (mg) 1.67 0.25 14 2
Vitamin K (µg) 2.4 0.36 3 0
Calcium (mg) 75 11.25 9 1
Chloride (mg) 35.1 5.2 44 1
Copper (mg) 1.1 0.16 110 17
Iron (mg) 2.2 0.33 16 2
Iodine (µg) 20 3 13 2
Magnesium (mg) 140 21 37 6
Manganese (mg) 2.9 0.43 145 22
Phosphorus (mg) 360 54 51 8
Potassium (mg) 430 64.5 22 3
Selenium (µg) 20 3 36 5
Zinc (mg) 2.7 0.4 27 4

*recommended daily allowance

Learn more about the plant: Walnut

The walnut is a large tree of the Juglandaceae family. It was cultivated from the 4th century, after its introduction to Europe by the Romans. Its name comes from the Latin "wedding" which means "to hurt". The origin of this disadvantageous name comes from its bad reputation: its shadow was criticized for being harmful to humans, animals and plantations. Now, it is believed that this superstition comes from a substance that it produces: juglone. Today, it is appreciated for its fruit eaten as is or pressed to obtain oil; and its wood, highly esteemed in cabinetmaking. Walnut is very popular, such so much so that the term “Nuts” has become the generic term for tree nuts.

The Man and the Walnut: centuries of mistrust

Over the centuries, man has had a special relationship with walnut. During Antiquity, societies noted that the walnut tree was harmful to people and adjacent plantations: the walnut tree would make the land located next to it sterile. This superstition has persisted over time, since in the Middle Ages, the shadow of the walnut tree was the main culprit. Its harmfulness was the first characteristic attributed to it during this period. It was considered capable of “generating unhealthy air and dangerous to health”.

Gradually, the malignancy of the walnut took a back seat and it was strongly recommended to plant it for walnut oil, but always far from any other fertile land. We end up moderating its toxic potential. Now scientists have found the chemical responsible for his centuries of condemnation: juglone. This compound is present in the leaves, roots and bark of the plant. It retards the growth of other plants and can harm certain insects.

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