Cystitis is a urinary infection of bacterial origin caused in 90% of cases by E.coli (Escherichia coli). Women are mainly affected by cystitis. It is estimated that one in two women will suffer from acute cystitis during their lifetime. They generally appear in women from the first sexual intercourse and after menopause. A preventive diet with preferred foods on a daily basis helps reduce the risk of urinary infection and relieve it when the time comes. Among them, water intake and cranberry recognized by the HAS (High Authority of Health) for their prophylactic action against cystitis. This article allows you to anticipate and soothe the symptoms of urinary infections through food.

This article was updated on 06/12/2023

Cystitis, causes and symptoms

Cystitis is a urinary system infection. This system can be divided into two parts: the top of the urinary tract with the kidneys and the ureters, then the bottom of the urinary tract with the bladder and the urethra. It is very often the bottom of this urinary system, particularly the bladder, which causes cystitis. Indeed, edue to their anatomy, women are more prone to urinary infections. Their urethras are smaller, so bacteria move up into this conduit more easily, causing the famous cystitis. However, with age, men are also affected by urinary infections, due to the prostate. In this specific case, the size of the prostate increases, putting pressure on the urethra and making emptying incomplete. Urine ends up remaining in the bladder, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria and consequently cystitis.

In 80% of cases, cystitis is caused by infection with E.coli but other germs can be responsible for the urinary infection. Among them, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Proteus which cause approximately 10% of cystitis. Urinary infections caused by germs like Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Pseudomonas are less common.

From one individual to another, the manifestations of cystitis vary and are more or less annoying. Most of the time, cystitis is characterized by a frequent and pressing urge to urinate with the feeling of having urinated little (pollakiuria). After urination, urine may be cloudy or even give off an unusual odor. The presence of pain when urinating or frequent pain in the lower abdomen may be characteristic of a urinary tract infection.

Lack of hydration and personal hygiene are often the two main factors causing urinary infections. However, other risk factors can promote cystitis (Types of cystitis and risk factors).  

The role of diet in the prevention and relief of cystitis

Diet plays an essential role in the prevention and relief of urinary infections thanks to its action anti-infectious

  • a good contribution water : sufficient water consumption increases urinary volume, which initially promotes better dilution of microorganisms in the urine and subsequently their elimination more rapid and frequent, thus preventing their development. This is one of the so-called measures prophylactic that the HAS (High Authority of Health) recommends for people with at least 4 acute and recurrent cystitis over 12 months. In agreement with the HAS, a study published in the journal JAMA demonstrates that an increase in water intake of 1.5 liters in addition to usual water consumption, the number of cystitis per year is reduced by 2.

  • there pro-anthocyanidin type A (PAC-A) : it's Uan antioxidant molecule with anti-infectious properties allowing it inhibit the adhesion of bacteria, basically E.coli on the epithelial cells of the bladder and ureter. PAC-A is found in large quantities in cranberries recognized by AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency) as having a preventive action on urinary infections. A health claim on products containing cranberries exists: cranberries “help to reduce the attachment of certain bacteria, E.coli on the walls of the urinary tract. The HAS also recommends the use of cranberries to prevent episodes of cystitis. Even if the AFSSA, the HAS and elsewhere studies show the effect of cranberries on cystitis, the ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) remains for the moment reluctant about its preventive effectiveness due to lack of sufficient clinical studies. However, the consumption of cranberries in cases of recurrent cystitis is not contraindicated, on the contrary, this fruit has multiple virtues!

  • of the bacteria and beneficial yeasts to our body (probiotics) : lprobiotics rebalance the intimate flora and prevent possible risks of infection by germs. Inserm defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which, ingested in adequate quantities, will benefit the functioning of our body”. Among these probiotics, we find the most studied by scientists: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus (bacteria family) as well as Saccharomyces (yeast family). A study published in the journal Clinical infectious diseases demonstrates that women who regularly consumed probiotics have a lower probability of developing urinary infections compared to women who did not take probiotics.

  • of D-mannose: through its anti-infectious role, this simple sugar is involved in the body's defense against cystitis. According to the various studies carried out, D-mannose has receptors on its surface similar to those on the bladder wall. Thus, bacteria such as E.coli attach to this sugar instead of attaching to the surface of the bladder, thus preventing urinary infections. The synthesis of this sugar by our body being insufficient, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables contributes to a good intake of D-mannose and therefore avoids cystitis.

  • a good balance between alkalizing foods and acidifying foods to reduce the acidity of urine. Excessive consumption of acidifying foods can lead to a lowering of urine pH and promote the development of bacteria. E.coli. In fact, this bacteria is acidophilic, that is to say it prefers acidic environments to grow. The objective is therefore to increase intake of alkalizing foods to facilitate the restoration of the acid-base balance in the body and avoid proliferation of bacteria.

Diet can prevent recurrent cystitis and then relieve the symptoms. However, if symptoms persist after 24 to 48 hours, it is important to consult a doctor quickly, otherwise the infection may reach the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

The importance of acid-base balance to avoid cystitis

Our current diet tends to be rich in acidifying foods, thus causing a lowering of urine pH and acidity. The acidic environment of urine promotes the development of certain bacteria and therefore urinary infections. To obtain a good acid-base balance and to counter the excess of acidifying foods in the body, it is essential to increase intake of alkalizing foods (How to restore acid-base balance?).

We recommend, on a daily basis:

  • to provide your diet with fruits and vegetables which are alkalizing. Among them are fruits and dried fruits (blueberries, grapes, apricots, hazelnuts, etc.) as well as green and colorful vegetables (broccoli, green beans, spinach and carrots) which have a good PRAL index (Ppotential Renal Acid Load). This index makes it possible to distinguish acidifying foods (increasing acidity) from alkalizing foods (decreasing acidity).

  • avoid excessive consumption of acid-forming foods including meat (beef, veal, pork, chicken breast, etc.), eggs and legumes in general.

  • to bring both acidifying foods and alkalizing in your meal to allow a good acid-base balance.

Foods to eat to prevent and relieve urinary infections

Water and diuretic drinks

Water is the essential drink for our body. Furthermore, she is one of the first ways preventives to fight against cystitis. It helps promote the elimination of bacterial strains in urine. Little everyday tips allow you to bring water.

 We recommend you :

  • to drink to a minimum 2 liters of water (tap water or bottled water) per day.

  • to divide your hydration at the rate of a glass of water every 2 hours (i.e. 2 liters of water in 16 hours).

  • to always have a bottle or flask close at hand.

  • to carry out dandelion infusions or nettle leaves. In addition to providing water to your body, these two plants are known for their diuretic effects.

Cranberry and cranberry juice

THE cranberries contain an antioxidant molecule, pro-anthocyanidin type A (PAC-A). This molecule has the particularity of inhibiting the adhesion of bacteria, essentially E.coli, on the epithelial cells of the bladder and ureter thanks to its anti-adhesion action.

 We recommend you :

  • to practice 6 week cures for prevention of urinary infections, i.e. the equivalent of 50 to 60 g of cranberries dried per day.

  • to drink cranberry juice. In this case, it is preferable to choose a cranberry juice in supermarkets marked “ 100% pure cranberry juice " And " no added sugar » to enjoy all of these benefits.

  • to respect the dose recommended by the HAS, i.e. 36 mg of pro-anthocyanidin per day in the case of recurrent cystitis.

Fermented products and probiotics

Probiotics are microorganisms that restore the vaginal flora while helping to activate the body's defenses. Regular consumption of probiotics helps fight against the appearance of cystitis. 

We recommend you :

  • to regularly consume fermented products which are naturally rich in probiotics. Among the fermented products, we identify fermented milk products (fermented milks or fermented milk products), lacto-fermented vegetables (olives, gherkins and cabbage present in the vinegar brine), fermented fruit juices (fruit kefir ), fermented teas (kombucha), etc.

  • to combine foods probiotics with food prebiotics to increase their effects. Prebiotics are the food of probiotics, hence their interest. These prebiotics are found in certain foods such as artichokes, salsify, asparagus, chicory roots, onions and pulses.

Blackcurrants, cranberries and shiitakes rich in D-mannose

In the case of cystitis, D-mannose has the particularity of blocking the attachment of bacteria to the walls of the bladder.

 We recommend you :

  • to consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, for example, 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit. One serving is the equivalent of 80-100g of fruit or vegetables.

  • to introduce fruits rich in D-mannose into your diet such as cassis, THE cranberries, currants, etc.

  • to prefer to eat vegetables rich in D-mannose such as broccoli, green beans, cabbage, shiitake, etc.

Additional advice

Good reflexes can be adopted on a daily basis to reduce the risk of cystitis:

  • Go urinate if the need arises and empty the bladder completely. Stagnation of urine in the bladder increases the number of bacteria and therefore the risk of cystitis. This advice is also valid following sexual relations.

  • Prefer to dry yourself after urinating vagina to anal parts and not the reverse ! In fact, wiping in the opposite direction brings bacteria back to the vagina.

  • Check its intimate hygiene. Too much hygiene and not enough hygiene can lead to disruption of the vaginal flora. Promote cleaning of private parts 1 to 2 times a day with water and mild soap.

  • Favor the port of cotton underwear. Unlike synthetic lingerie, cotton has the advantage of being a natural material, soft and comfortable to wear. It also makes it easier for the skin to breathe thanks to its air permeability.

  • Prefer jeans or loose pants. Not only do clothes that are too tight cause compression of blood vessels, but they also cause cystitis.

  • Take advantage of the effects of essential oils to fight against cystitis (How to use essential oils in case of cystitis?).

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