Pomegranate is the fruit of the pomegranate tree, a shrub in the Punicaceae family. This autumn fruit has been eaten for centuries for the small arils it contains. The arils have a subtle scent and they brighten up the plates with their red colors. The arils have seeds which are also eaten. Dried, the arils, or pomegranate seeds, take on a burgundy color and a milder taste. Pomegranate seeds contain many nutrients essential to health, such as vitamin B9. Pomegranate seeds stand out thanks to a particular fatty acid: punic acid. This polyunsaturated fatty acid is the subject of numerous scientific research: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, regulates glucose homeostasis... So many properties which allow pomegranate seeds to prevent cardiovascular disorders or type 2 diabetes. Latin name: Punica granatum L. Botanical family: Punicaceae. Part used: Seed.

Recommended consumption

Due to the energy density of pomegranate seeds and their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, daily consumption recommendations are defined. As a classic treatment or for pleasure: a portion of pomegranate seeds is estimated at 15 g per day, which represents four teaspoons of pomegranate seeds per day.

In what form ?

To make the most of their benefits, you can use them:

  • Whole
At what time of the day ?

We advise you to use them during the following meal(s) to make the most of their benefits:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • In case
  • Dinner
What methods of use?

You can include them in the following preparations to make them easier to take:

  • Salad
  • Dessert
  • Yogurt, dairy
  • Flat
  • Alone
  • Mixed with other dried fruits
  • Muesli

Health nutrition benefits

15 g of pomegranate seeds contain a significant portion of Nutritional References for the Population (RNP) in Fibers. They also contain, to a lesser extent, Vitamin B9.

As such, pomegranate seeds can complement your healthy and varied diet.


Fiber disrupts the absorption of cholesterol and simple sugars. Pomegranate seeds are particularly rich in fiber. As a result, pomegranate seeds moderate the rise in blood sugar levels after a meal and reduce the absorption of cholesterol. Also, pomegranate seeds limit the vascular complications of these pathologies by providing vitamin B9, punic acid and polyphenols. Indeed, vitamin B9 contributes to the management of inflammation through its involvement in the homocysteine ​​cycle (a pro-inflammatory amino acid). Finally, the last two compounds are antioxidants. Punic acid also appears to reduce insulin resistance.

Digestive system

Pomegranate seeds are a source of fiber. Fiber stimulates digestive transit, preventing constipation (see our guide constipation and diet).

Immune system

Vitamin B9 stimulates the synthesis of immune cells. Thus, pomegranate seeds contribute to the immune response by providing vitamin B9. Pomegranate seeds also fight against microbial development through the presence of a polyunsaturated fatty acid: punic acid. The nutrients in pomegranate seeds reinforce the immune benefits of a varied and balanced diet.

Nutritional properties

  • Cardiovascular protector (fiber, punic acid, vitamin B9): pomegranate seeds act on different cardiovascular risk factors. Their fibers limit hyperlipidemia by reducing the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. Vitamin B9 helps manage inflammation that can encourage the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Indeed, vitamin B9 is involved in the conversion of homocysteine: a pro-inflammatory amino acid. Finally, punic acid turns out to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. The latter is a polyunsaturated fatty acid specific to Pomegranate.

  • Control blood sugar (protein, fiber, lipid): Pomegranate seeds have a low glycemic index. They provide proteins, lipids and fibers, and almost no carbohydrates. Pomegranate seeds alone do not affect blood sugar levels. Accompanied, they reduce the glycemic load of the meal, which balances blood sugar levels. Additionally, punic acid modulates the secretion of insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar.

  • Appetite suppressant (fiber): due to their low glycemic index, pomegranate seeds do not induce strong variations in postprandial blood sugar. This balance of blood sugar reinforces the feeling of satiety.

  • Immunomodulating (vitamin B9, punic acid): pomegranate seeds stimulate the synthesis of white blood cells (immune cells) thanks to their vitamin B9 intake. Vitamin B9 helps maintain the production of immune cells. Additionally, punic acid provides pomegranate seeds with antimicrobial power.

  • Anti-oxidant (polyphenol, punic acid): Pomegranate seeds neutralize free radicals by providing punic acid, a fatty acid which exerts antioxidant activity. Also, a study notes the protective effects against oxidative stress of pomegranate seeds through the presence of polyphenols. However, the antioxidant effectiveness seems to be better in the zest than in the seeds of Pomegranate.

  • Anti-inflammatory (vitamin B9, punic acid): Pomegranate seeds fight against the inflammatory process. They provide vitamin B9 which neutralizes homocysteine ​​by converting it into methionine. Furthermore, punic acid would be beneficial in various inflammatory diseases.

Nutritional values

Nutritional elements per 100g for 15g % of RDA* per 100 g % of RDA* for 15 g
Energy (Kcal) 458 16 5 1
Energy (Kj) 109 68 5 1
Lipids (g) 1.3 0.2 2 0
Saturated fatty acids (g) 0.1 0 1 0
Carbohydrates (g) 20.3 3 8 1
Including sugars (g) 2.2 0.3 2 0
Dietary fiber (g) 14.9 2.2
Protein (g) 4.3 0.6 9 1
Salt (g) 0 0 0 0
Vitamin B9 (µg) 41.3 6.2 21 3

*recommended daily allowance

Learn more about the plant: The Pomegranate

The pomegranate tree is a shrub of 2 to 5 m, belonging to the Punicaceae family. Originally from Iran and Afghanistan, it is now common to come across pomegranate orchards around the Mediterranean and in Central Asia. Which is not surprising given its needs: a bright, warm and dry climate.

It is a tree appreciated for its decorative appearance, because at the end of its branches grow beautiful and large scarlet red flowers. Its fruits, Pomegranates, are red with firm skin. Inside is a white mesocarp which forms a nest containing edible arils. The arils have a reddish, translucent, juicy pulp that contains seeds. A pomegranate can contain more than 400 arils. The pomegranate tree is one of the oldest domesticated crops.

The fruit of the pomegranate tree, Pomegranate, is the source of many beliefs and superstitions. In Greek mythology, Pomegranate is associated with Hades, the god of the underworld; in the Bible, it symbolizes love, immortality and fertility; in the Koran, suras mention it as a fruit of paradise. There are many varieties of Pomegranate, each linked to its producing country: Wonderful in Israel, Mollar and Tendrar in Spain, and Hicaz in Turkey.

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Publication: Khajebishak Y, Payahoo L, Alivand M, Alipour B. Punicic acid: A potential compound of pomegranate seed oil in Type 2 diabetes mellitus management. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Mar;234(3):2112-2120. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27556. Epub 2018 Oct 14. PMID: 30317607.

Publication: Vučić V, Grabež M, Trchounian A, Arsić A. Composition and Potential Health Benefits of Pomegranate: A Review. Curr Pharm Des. 2019;25(16):1817-1827. doi:10.2174/1381612825666190708183941. PMID: 31298147.

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